욤 아르고
둘러보기로 이동
검색으로 이동
Homeworld | Telfrey |
종족 | 인간 |
성별 | 남성 |
상태 | |
소속 | Rebel Alliance |
혈연관계 |
욤 "다트" 아르고Yom "Dart" Argo는 스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.
In the years following the Battle of Yavin, Rebel spies Tay Vanis and Yom Argo (aka Tiree and Dart) began spreading rebellious sentiments on the worlds in Iskalon's system. In retribution, the Empire decimated their homeworld of Telfrey. Yom Argo was shot down and killed on Lahsbane, right after he left the Bothan system. Data tapes belonging to him were recovered from Lahsbane's Forbidden City.
관련 아이템
- 무기
- Blaster pistol
- 탈것
- X-wing starfighter