오로 다사인

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General Oro Dassyne
스타워즈-오로 다사인-00.jpg
Homeworld Murkhana
Species Koorivar
Gender Male
Size 1.91 meters
Affiliation Corporate Alliance, Confederacy of Independent Systems


From the Expanded Universe

As an Acquisitions Specialist and Special Markets Director, Oro Dassyne welcomed warfare when it became a priority for him and the Corporate Alliance. A devoted technocrat, he loved unleashing tank droids against business rivals and stubborn Alliance signatories with overdue membership fees. When his acquisitions portfolio was reviewed by the Alliance Directorate, Dassyne was granted the rank of general by Passel Argente himself.

Dassyne began the war stationed on Murkhana, but the insulated Alliance stronghold was too far removed from the action, and he repeatedly asked for reassignment to the more contention areas of the war. He got his wish with his appointment to the Bomis Koori front, a pocket of Koorivar colony worlds that housed some of the most productive droid factories in the Mid Rim. During lengthy campaigns, Dassyne used the cover of war to add to his personal wealth, adding spoils such as fine art, museum exhibits and entire libraries to his already considerable wealth.

The cocky general demanded frontline action. He suffered cranial trauma during one battle, resulting in a shattered horn. Rather than live with a reduced symbol status, Dassyne instead wore an elongated miter -- two sizes larger than he would have worn when his horn was intact, some noted.

Dassyne's quest for glory was ultimately his undoing. On Bomis Korri IV, the fulcrum of the Corporate Alliance defense of the surrounding worlds, he piled on a monumental amount of defensive weaponry emplacements and awaited the Jedi attack to come. He had envisioned a mass army of Jedi charging over the plains at his ray-shielded bulwark, and his concentrated volleys of artillery and energy bolts tearing huge gouts of in the landscape, sending soil and gore into the skies.

But he was wrong. The huge fighting force never came. Instead, a mere two Jedi had infiltrated the fortress without his notice and deactivated the ray shields. Then those same two Jedi led the over-land charge -- a force small enough to avoid the defensive batteries that the Koorivar general had amassed. General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker's mission was successful, and they directed the orbital strikes and starfighter bombardment that decimated the Alliance defenses.

Dassyne was killed in the attack.