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Homeworld Thustra
종족 Sephi
성별 남성
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems

알라리크 왕King Alaric스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


The intelligent and peaceful leader of planet Thustra and close friend of Yoda, whom he had known for 200 years. King Alaric's subjects loved him, and his influence extended beyond his own planet. The governments of the surrounding systems looked to him for leadership and guidance. Yoda regarded him as a strong and brilliant strategist. During the Clone Wars, Alaric sided with the Confederacy because he viewed the Galactic Senate as corrupt. After a parley with Yoda, he took Yoda and the Padawan Cal prisoner. He attempted to kill Yoda, but Yoda killed him instead. Alaric died a martyr, which led Thustra and its allies to join the Confederacy.