로크 더드

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General Lok Durd
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Appeared in CW
Species Neimoidian
Gender Male
Size 2.11 meters tall
Weapon Experimental defoliator weapons capsule
Vehicle AAT tank
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems


Lok Durd was an obese Neimoidian general in the army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He was featured in the episode "Defenders of Peace," from The Clone Wars Season One (directed by Steward Lee; written by Bill Canterbury, 2009). He was voiced by actor George Takei.

A flamboyant and heartless weapons developer, some say if Lok Durd could make half the noise on the battlefield that he does in the war room, then the Separatists would have won the war. Durd developed an experimental defoliator weapon, a type of enhanced radiation weapon that targeted biological matter while leaving machinery and inorganic material intact. The costly device needed to be tested before Count Dooku would back any further development, so Durd sought out a lush planet with a primitive culture that he could safely subject to experimentation. His searches discovered Maridun, and its colony of Lurmen.

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Durd arrived aboard a Trade Federation landing ship flying Separatist colors and set up a camp on Maridun. He contacted Count Dooku via hologram so that the Separatist leader could witness the first impressive field-test of the expensive device. Dooku demanded further examples of its effectiveness, so Durd next targeted the Lurmen village.

A team of marooned Jedi Knights and clones defended the village, however, and Anakin Skywalker was instrumental in not only disabling the weapon launcher, but also taking Durd captive. Lok Durd's lofty dreams of promotion and wealth vanished.