패설 아젠테

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패설 아젠테
Appeared in 1, 2, 3
Homeworld Koorivar
종족 Koorivar
성별 남성
소속 Galactic Senate, Corporate Alliance, Confederacy of Independent Systems

패설 아젠테Passel Argente스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

Passel Argente is a male humanoid Senator serving the Galactic Republic during that august government's waning years. He served during Chancellor Valorum's final days, and also served well into Chancellor Palpatine's term. As the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance, Argente became indelibly tainted by his wealth and private interests. Just prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Argente committed the forces of Corporate Alliance to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

During the Clone Wars, Argente served on the Separatist Council, the board of executives that funded and governed the Confederacy of Independent Systems under Count Dooku and General Grievous. He was killed by Darth Vader when the Sith mastermind behind the Clone Wars no longer had need for the Separatists.

From the Expanded Universe

Even in his days as a Koorivar Senator, Argente was colored by graft and corruption brought upon by his strong ties to corporate interests. Often one to shirk personal accountability, Argente was more than willing to blame others for his shortcomings and mistakes.

Behind the Scenes

The humanoid Argente was designed in concept sketches by artists Iain McCaig and Terryl Whitlatch.