파퀼 반

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파퀼 반
Farquill Ban'n
Homeworld Clak'Dor VII
종족 Bith
성별 여성
무기 Blaster pistol
소속 범죄자


A demure female Bith who was subjected to such humiliations as having to wear a painful Theselonian bridal gown for her employer, Embra the Hutt. She secretly tracked Jozzel Moffett during the search for the Yavin Vassilika and watched as Moffett delivered the artifact to the Rebel Alliance in exchange for an exact replica of the Vassilika along with four million credits. Ban'n shot Moffett in the back and took the credits, allowing Zuckuss and Sardu Sallowe to take home the trophy. With the stolen funds securing her future, Ban'n quit her job working for Embra -- but she was promptly tracked down by Boba Fett, sent to retrieve the four million credits for Jabba the Hutt.