티 왓 카

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티 왓 카
Tee Watt Kaa
Appeared in CW
Homeworld Maridun (adopted)
Species Lurmen
Gender Male
Size 1.03 meters
Weapon As a pacifist, Tee Watt Kaa refuses to wield any weapon, even in self-defense.
Affiliation Neutral


Tee Watt Kaa was the leader of a Lurmen colony on Maridun featured in The Clone Wars episodes "Jedi Crash" and "Defenders of Peace" from Season One (2009), written by Katie Lucas and Bill Canterbury. Tee Watt Kaa was voiced by actor George Coe.

A stalwart traditionalist, Tee Watt Kaa believed in peace above all else. Realistic enough to recognize dissention was a common element in life, he nonetheless believed in seeking out non-violent solutions. To that end, he held culpable all sides in the Clone Wars, and held no admiration for the Jedi Knights. He discarded their claims to be peace-keepers with the admonition, "violence breeds violence."

According to the online comic The Clone Wars: Neighbors, illustrated by Katie Cook (2009, starwars.com), the Clone Wars sundered the homeworld of Tee Watt Kaa's group of Lurmen (though which world that is goes unspecified), prompting the colony to leave to find a neutral planet untouched by war. They arrived on Maridun, believing it to be unoccupied. The grassland world did have a violent, native population of Amanin who attacked the Lurmen colony ship, forcing the Lurmen to abandon it and move further inland into the savannahs where they settled.

In "Jedi Crash," (directed by Rob Coleman) the marooned Jedi Knights Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker seek shelter with the Lurmen. Tee Watt Kaa was resistant to the idea, thinking that nothing good could come of it. Still, given that Anakin was injured, he could not turn away someone in need of medical assistance. Tee Watt Kaa's son, Wag Too the healer, provided aid to Skywalker. It was during quiet moments of discussion that Aayla Secura came to see how strongly devoted Tee Watt Kaa was to peace. Before long, the Separatists arrived on Maridun in the episode, "Defenders of Peace" (directed by Steward Lee). Once again, Tee Watt Kaa did not want to extend any hostility toward the Separatists, and met with their leader, General Lok Durd. Tee Watt Kaa mistakenly believed that the Separatists would leave them alone once they saw that the Lurmen were essentially harmless. The Separatists, however, sought to blast the Lurmen village out of existence in a field-test of their new defoliator capsule weapon.

The Jedi refused to stand by and let that happen. Despite Tee Watt Kaa's wishes, the Jedi protected the village from the oncoming Separatist attack. Wag Too, vehemently disagreeing with his father's passivity, took up arms along with several other young Lurmen to protect the village. In the end, the Separatists were defeated, but Tee Watt Kaa remained dismayed. They had scored victory, but at what cost?
