티안 차일러

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Tian Chyler
스타워즈-티안 차일러-00.jpg
Appeared in 5
Species Human
Gender Female
Affiliation Galactic Empire; Imperial Security Bureau


From the Expanded Universe

Many who have risen from the Sub-Adult Group to join the ranks of the Imperial Security Bureau have been dismissed as little more than zealots. Others, like Tian Chyler, defied the norm.

Her ruthless and pragmatic streak had been noticed by SAGroup leaders early on and she was fast-tracked to the ISB for training. After training, Chyler made an instant impact when she successfully infiltrated the Coruscant law enforcement community and managed to ferret out Rebel subversives. Pleased with her performance and noticing that she had a gift for blending in, her superiors set out to give her a mission of higher priority.

She was assigned to investigate unregistered Tibanna gas operations on Bespin. Chyler was to pose as a Corellian mining official from Ando who had escaped the Imperial occupation of that world and was seeking sanctuary alongside other Andoan officials and several Aqualish workers. They were welcomed with open arms to Cloud City and went to work in the mining guild. It did not take long for the agents to uncover the full extent of below-the-radar mining operations on Bespin.

Chyler passed this information on to Darth Vader. The Dark Lord used the fact that Cloud City had hidden its operations and not fulfilled its tributary obligations to the Empire to blackmail Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian into cooperating in the capture of Luke Skywalker.

The ISB was pleased with Chyler's performance and promised her a promotion, but her hopes were dashed when the unruly Aqualish miners revolted and caused havoc on the gas platforms. These workers were executed by the Empire and Chyler was reprimanded for not being able to control them. She would still work undercover and weed out Alliance sympathizers within Cloud City but was never again considered for promotion by the ISB. This frustrated her and as the war turned in favor of the Rebellion, Chyler decided to defect and hand over information on Cloud City's defenses that proved vital in the liberation of Bespin.

This entry was developed by Hyperspace member "yoda's waiter", with the character's full name of Tian Chyler supplied by "the fragrant wookiee".