툰드라 도메이아

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툰드라 도메이아
이름 툰드라 도메이아
Tundra Dowmeia
종족 Quarren
성별 남성
소속 Galactic Senate, Galactic Republic

툰드라 도메이아(Tundra Dowmeia)는 스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

Senator Tundra Dowmeia, a Loyalist Senator close to the office of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, represented the world of Mon Calamari during the early days of the Clone Wars.

From the Expanded Universe

Senator Dowmeia took office following the censuring of Senator Tikkes, a corrupt Quarren Senator accused of profiting from slaving ventures in the Outer Rim Territories. Tikkes was placed under house arrest while such charges were investigated, but he fled Coruscant and disappeared to parts unknown, eventually joining with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dowmeia filled the void left by Tikkes' departure. He originally hailed from a different faction of Quarren on Mon Calamari.

Behind the Scenes

Expanded universe sources have established a common history and homeworld shared by the Mon Calamari and the Quarren, but to date, only the Quarren have been seen representing the planet in the Galactic Senate. In Episode II, the same wardrobe doubled for both loyal Senator Tundra Dowmeia (seen in the Senate) and Separatist Senator Tikkes (seen on Geonosis).

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