태시 아란다

둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
태시 아란다
Homeworld Alderaan
종족 인간
성별 여성
소속 Rebel Alliance

태시 아란다Tash Arranda스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


A survivor of Alderaan who was off-planet when her homeworld was destroyed, Tash and her brother Zak were teenagers in the early years of the Galactic Civil War. Thirteen-year-old Tash was Force-sensitive. They were cared for by Shi'ido anthropologist Mammon Hoole, whom they referred to as their uncle. Hoole's studies took the siblings all over the galaxy, and they often ran afoul of Hoole's rival, Shi'ido scientist Borborygmus Gog. After a series of creepy adventures, Tash and Zak joined the Rebel Alliance.

관련 아이템

  • The Shroud