타비온 악스미스

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타비온 악스미스
종족 인간
성별 여성
소속 New Jedi order; Dark Jedi

타비온 악스미스Tavion Axmis스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


An apprentice of the Dark Jedi Desann who challenged Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy after the Battle of Endor. Kyle Katarn defeated her in a lightsaber duel but chose to spare her life, demonstrating his adherence to the light side of the Force. Shamed by her defeat, she went into hiding and emerged some time later as part of the Disciples of Ragnos. The Twi'lek Alora served as her student. Jedi student Jaden Korr confronted Axmis on Korriban, where she had used an ancient Sith artifact to reawaken the spirit of Marka Ragnos. Briefly possessed by Ragnos, Axmis wielded incredible power, yet she was still defeated by Korr.

관련 아이템

  • Lightsaber