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Species Whiphid
Gender Male
Weapon Lightsaber
Affiliation Jedi


From the Expanded Universe

A hulking Whiphid Jedi, K'Kruhk was once the Padawan of Lilit Twoseas. In the waning days of the Old Republic, the two were part of a Jedi taskforce sent to the Yinchorri system to put down a native uprising. His master died in the mission, and K'Kruhk brought her body back to the Jedi Temple.

Passing the trials and achieving the rank of Jedi Knight, K'Kruhk matured into a introspective Jedi. Despite his fearsome countenance and the Whiphid reputation for fierceness, he had strong pacifist ideals.

This made the Jedi's transition from a peacekeeping force to military leaders very difficult for K'Kruhk. He lost many of his troops in a battle on Teyr. Disillusioned, and feeling that the war betrayed the very ideals of the Jedi, K'Kruhk joined a small dissident Jedi schism that was growing in the early months of the war. His apparent death on Teyr facilitated the abandonment of his military duties. Jedi Master Mace Windu found K'Kruhk and the other dissidents on Ruul, a Sriluurian moon, when he came to parley with the rogue Jedi.

The leader of the schism, Sora Bulq, was actually a disciple of the dark side. This became apparent to K'Kruhk when Asajj Ventress attacked the dissident camp in an attempt to sew confusion and distrust among the Jedi. K'Kruhk did battle with Ventress. After she fled and the battle subsided, the Whiphid agreed to return to the Jedi order.

His next assignment was to Hypori, as part of an elite Jedi taskforce dispatched to destroy a secret Separatist foundry on the industrial world of Hypori. The Jedi unit was decimated by the Separatist leader General Grievous, and K'Kruhk was gravely wounded in battle with the General.