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Species Human
Gender Female
Size 1.77 meters
Affiliation Dathomirian Nightsisters, Marauders of Endor


From the Expanded Universe

The evil Charal was a Force-wielding Nightsister who turned her back on the order and left Dathomir. She is far older than she appears, having lived for almost over a century. She possessed strange arcane powers that Jedi scholars could not fully explain, and she spent many decades avoiding Jedi and fellow Nightsisters. In a bid to escape her pursuers, she joined a band of Sanyassan Marauder pirates. Their vessel crashed on the uncharted forest moon of Endor, and the Marauder leader set himself up as king, occupying a primitive castle in the plains.

When the Empire discovered Endor, the Marauders captured the Imperial scouting party. Charal, unbeknownst to Terak, tried to arrange her own escape independent of the rest of the Marauders. When Terak learned of this, he was enraged and had her imprisoned.

Time passed, and the Marauders became obsessed with finding a source of power capable of taking them off Endor. When they discovered the crashed star cruiser of the Towani family, they attacked, killing almost all the family members and stealing the ship's power crystal. Charal was unable to do anything with it, its technology alien to her simpler ways. Terak dispatched Charal to hunt down the last surviving member of the Towani family, the little girl named Cindel.

Charal had the magical ability to change form, thanks to a special ring that she wore. Charal used her power to turn into a raven. She could also alter her appearance, and the appearance of her horse. When she failed Terak one last time, the king seized the ring. Because Terak died before returning the ring, Charal may be locked in her animal form.