치 초

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Chairman Chi Cho
스타워즈-치 초-00.jpg
Appeared in CW
Homeworld Moon of Pantora
Species Pantoran
Gender Male
Size 1.98 meters tall
Weapon Blaster rifle
Affiliation Pantoran Assembly


Chi Cho was the Exalted Ruler of the Pantoran people and the Supreme Chairman of Pantora, the principal moon of the Pantora system. He was seen in the first season episode of The Clone Wars, "Trespass" (2009, written by Steven Melching; directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell). Actor Brian George voiced Chi Cho; George had previously voiced King Katuunko in the episode, "Ambush." Though democratically elected, this vindictive and power-hungry despot ruled his homeworld of Pantora with an iron fist. Using whatever means necessary, Chairman Chi Cho always got his way.

At the start of the Clone Wars, the Pantorans petitioned the Republic for protection from the Separatists, and to that end, the Republic established Glid Station on the frozen world of Orto Plutonia, an uninhabited Pantoran protectorate. When the Republic lost contact with the station, they dispatched a team led by Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to investigate. The meddlesome Cho tagged along, bringing with him Pantoran Senatorial Representative Riyo Chuchi to ensure he could command the Jedi as he saw fit.

Cho was shocked to find that Orto Plutonia was in fact already settled; the Pantoran scouts had found no evidence of civilization. A primitive tribe of Talz already called Orto Plutonia home, and they wanted to be left alone and wished to eject the Pantoran presence. Cho did not want to lose the protection an advanced base on Orto Plutonia could provide, so he refused to recognize the intelligence of the Talz. When this bid failed, he openly declared war on the Talz, framing it as a local dispute so that the Jedi could not intervene.

Riyo Chuchi, a young, idealistic politician who was reserved, quiet-voiced, could not stand up directly to Cho. She went around the Chairman by contacting the Pantoran Assembly. When the Assembly heard of his actions, they declared the Chairman out of order, but by then it was already too late. War had broken out between the Pantoran delegation and the Talz tribe. The clone troopers, assigned to protect the chairman, were forced to gun down Talz warriors. Cho himself was killed by a Talz spear. His dying wish was for Chuchi to continue the battle so that Pantora would remain safe. She refused, instead offering peace to the Talz, recognizing their sovereignty, and pulling all Pantoran presence off of Orto Plutonia.