
둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
Homeworld Coachelle Prime
Species Lepi
Size 1.9 meters
Weapon Blaster pistol
Vehicle Rabbit's Foot
Affiliation Smuggling


From the Expanded Universe

To hear him say it, he "ain't no rodent," and evidence to the contrary, it is strongly advised that you don't argue with Jaxxon, the Lepi smuggler. His outlandish appearance -- a lanky frame over 1.9 meters tall; short bright green fur; buckteeth; long attentive ears -- have prompted many an ill-advised guffaw from an insensitive spacer. Said spacers usually find themselves on the receiving end of a stunning kick, delivered by Jaxxon's powerful feet.

Jaxxon was born on Coachelle Prime, the homeworld of lagomorphic Lepi. A quiet home with a dozen siblings could not hold Jaxxon back -- the rambunctious youth spent many of his formative years in juvenile remand centers. At the age of 12, Jaxxon ran away from home and fled to the stars on a stolen starship.

The young Jaxxon landed on Nar Shaddaa, and spent the next few years honing his streetwise survival skills and razor-sharp wit on the mean streets of the vertical cities. He learned marksmanship working with a cut-throat group of mercenaries from the Corus system. When the boys of Corus broke up, Jaxxon turned to smuggling to make ends meet.

With what meager earnings he had, Jax purchased a modified WUD-500 star yacht, which he named the Rabbit's Foot. Plagued with mechanical problems, Jax set down on the distant world of Aduba-3 to enact repairs. Short on funds, he answered a call for hired guns needed to protect a small farming community from speeder-riding brigands.

The call was put out by Han Solo. Solo, Jaxxon and a handful of other miscreants protected the village of Onachra, and Jax was able to get the funds he needed to fix his ship. He also met the beautiful ex-pirate, Amaiza, and the two sparked up a friendship and lucrative business partnership. They operated out of Jaxxon's old haunts on Nar Shaddaa.

Behind the Scenes

Jaxxon was a very odd and memorable addition to the growing cast of supporting characters in the early days of expanded universe publishing. The creation of writer Roy Thomas, the homage to Bugs Bunny was featured in the first story arc to come after the adaptation of the film. Jaxxon would appear in only one other story before being pulled out the hat of obscurity and featured in an article for Star Wars Gamer.