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이름 이즈리나
종족 Wistie
성별 여성

이즈리나(Izrina)는 스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Expanded Universe

Izrina is the queen of the Wisties, the glowing, fairy-folk of the moon of Endor. They appear as tiny humanoids surrounded by a bright corona of fluttering wings. This spark-like appearance earns them the nickname firefolk or flutterglows, though their luminescence is biochemical, and not flame-based.

During a severe drought, the evil Tulgah witch Morag captured Izrina, and used her magic to transform her into an actual being of fire. Traveling back to her fellow Wisties, Izrina infected them with the curse. Their flight caused a terrible forest fire that threatened the sacred Soul Trees of the Ewoks. The ingenuity of one Ewok, Wicket, was able to cure Izrina when he doused her with water. Wicket and his friends then cured the rest of the Wisties, and then put out the fires with the help of magic foam concocted by Logray the shaman.

Later, Izrina accompanied the caravan of Ewoks searching for the missing humans Catarine and Jeremitt Towani. The human children, Mace and Cindel, were searching for their parents. Logray gave each member of the caravan a special item that would help them in their quest. Little Cindel received a magic Candle of Pure Light that not only never burned out, but also could summon Queen Izrina. She was helpful in distracting the evil Gorax while the Ewoks rescued the humans.

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