오테그루 그레이

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오테그루 그레이
이름 오테그루 그레이
Ottegru Grey
종족 인간
성별 남성

오테그루 그레이(Ottegru Grey)는 『스타워즈: 에피소드 3 - 시스의 복수』의 등장인물이다.


From the Expanded Universe

In a galaxy engulfed by a terrible civil war rife with spies and assassins, politicians began to rightly fear for their lives. After several close-calls involving vengeful Aqualish Separatists hiding in Coruscant's underlevels, Chairman Tannon Praji of the Ministry of Ingress (CMoI) turned to Ottegru Grey, a trusted friend of the Praji family and special agent for the Bank of the Core.

Grey specialized in tracking down missing funds, embezzlers or other miscreants. Since Praji was a large investor in the bank, the BotC offered Grey's protection services for only a paltry service fee that Praji never noticed. Grey, also a capable accountant, handled Praji's finances as well as his protection.

Grey was immensely qualified, having been in both physical and electronic security his whole career. He had served in the Coruscant Security Force as an undercover operative prior to being lured to the corporate world for better pay. Working for the Bank during the Clone Wars, he halted several Separatist attempts to steal funds from the bank, as well as an electronic break-in orchestrated by Givin slicers.

By the time of the Battle of Coruscant, Grey had trained 50 agents to work under him, and therefore felt comfortable leaving the institution to guard an important customer.

Once joining Praji, Grey shadowed him everywhere. Little did Praji suspect where Grey's loyalties ultimately were found. The protector secretly funneled some of Praji's funds into Palpatine's war chest. In turn, Palpatine used these funds to help cover the gambling debts of Romeo Treblanc, owner of the Galaxies Opera House. This accounting maneuver, all invisible to Praji's indifferent eyes, earned Grey a lifetime pass to the opera house as a guest in Treblanc's private viewing box, which Grey extended to Praji on behalf of the Bank. This would become such a favorite hideaway for Tannon Praji that the Chairman would conduct much of his business from there.

Following the Clone Wars, Grey used the Praji family to fund Imperial projects and provide work for non-human refugees. These refugees, unbeknownst to Praji, would become slaves and their budgeted salaries would instead be diverted into some of the Emperor's more sinister plots.

This entry was developed by Hyperspace members Nex: the T is Hott!! and magicofmyth2, with the character's name supplied by Valin Kenobi.

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