앵커 블루

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Anchor Blue
스타워즈-앵커 블루-00.jpg
Species Houk
Gender Male
Weapon Vibroblade


From the Expanded Universe

Houks have a well-deserved reputation for raw strength and short tempers. Their muscular bulk allows them to dominate any tests of physical prowess. In the gladiator pits of Rattatak, however, raw strength is sometimes not enough.

Anchor Blue, a fierce Houk combatant, was made all the more fiercer through artificial means. His Rattataki patron secreted a pain instigator in the base of the vibroblade attachment that replaced his amputated hand. A remote device sent a searing electrical charge through Blue's body, prompting him to higher levels of rage. To calm the beast, the same device had a chemical reservoir that pumped powerful sedatives into his bloodstream.

Anchor Blue developed a strong dependency to these illicit chemicals, allowing his patron to further exploit him up until the Houk's violent demise.