아코 아다스카

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아코 아다스카
Homeworld Arkania
Species Arkanian
Gender Male
Weapon exogorths
Affiliation Adascorp

아코 아다스카Eighth Lord Arkoh Adasca스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


An Arkanian pure-blood, influential leader, and head of Adascorp during the Mandalorian Wars. He followed Lord Argaloh (his grandfather) and Lord Alok (his father) with the title of lord, being the eighth Adasca to bear it. Arkoh sought Gorman Vandrayk, an Adascorp scientist who fled the company upon discovering that his research into space slug engineering would be used for evil. Gorman adopted the alias Camper and lived life on the run. Adasca, meanwhile, cultivated the mutated space slugs -- exogorths -- into powerful biological weapons in an overreaching political gambit that proved to be his undoing.