아나크로 더 훈

둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
아나크로 더 훈
Homeworld Tatooine
종족 Hutt
성별 Hermaphroditic (with female personality)
소속 범죄자
혈연관계 오르코 더 훈 ()

아나크로 더 훈Anachro the H'uun스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


A young female Hutt of the lower H'uun caste and daughter of trader Orko the H'uun from Tatooine. Orko's rival Gorga the Hutt was smitten with her and presented an offering to curry favor: Orko's enemy, the bounty hunter Bar-Kooda, roasted on a platter. Anachro and Gorga married and had a Huttlet soon after.