스태스 알리

둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
스태스 알리
Appeared in 2, 3
종족 인간
성별 여성
Weapon Lightsaber
Vehicle Aratech 74-Z speeder bike
Affiliation Jedi order

스태스 알리Stass Allie스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

The mystical energy field revered by the Jedi is known to travel through family trees, and several Knights and Masters of note can point to connections of blood as well as the Force. Jedi Knight Stass Allie was cousin to Adi Gallia, a member of the Jedi Council during the twilight years of the Republic. She bore a basic physical resemblance to the Jedi Master, and dressed in garb of the same cultural roots. During the Separatist crisis that threatened the Republic, Stass Allie advised the highest levels of Palpatine's government, and also fought valiantly during the first skirmishes that would ignite the devastating Clone Wars.

During the Clone Wars, Allie was made a member of the Jedi Council, serving on that venerated committee on Coruscant. After the fall of Saleucami in the Outer Rim Sieges, Allie was reassigned to the planet to lead mop-up operations with a contingent of clone troopers. While she was on a speeder bike patrol, Order 66 was enacted. Her clone troopers identified her as a traitor to the Republic and blasted her speeder. Her vehicle exploded, killing her instantly, and the wreckage tumbled against the bleak Saleucami landscape in a fiery crash.

From the Expanded Universe

Her cool blue eyes and her swaying Tholoth headdress pointed to her familial connection to Master Gallia, but Stass Allie had only ascended to the level of Jedi Knight by the time the Clone Wars began. Though an experienced warrior and field agent of note -- her accomplishments included the fracturing of Lojrak Shrag's salt cartel on Cona -- she would increasingly concentrate on the healing arts practiced by the Circle of Jedi Healers.

Stass Allie was stationed on Coruscant during the bold Separatist strike against the capital. She worked with Shaak Ti to provide protection for Palpatine, but failed in preventing Grievous from kidnapping the Supreme Chancellor.

Behind the Scenes

Stass Allie's wardrobe consists of recycled elements from Adi Gallia's costume in Episode I. Adi Gallia does appear in the Council sequences of Episode II, though no new footage of that character was shot -- the Council backgrounds consisted of Episode I archival footage. Stass Allie, played by Lily Nyamwasa, is seen in Palpatine's office and in the Geonosian execution arena. Nyamwasa returned for Episode III, to film the council sessions. Pickup photography of a small holographic Allie was shot with Tayce Bayliss. A third performer, Nina Fallon, played Allie for her speeder bike sequence on Saleucami.