스윌라 코레이

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스윌라 코레이
이름 스윌라 코레이
Swilla Corey
종족 인간
성별 여성

스윌라 코레이(Swilla Corey)는 『스타워즈: 에피소드 4 - 새로운 희망』의 등장인물이다.


From the Expanded Universe

Swilla Corey was born a slave to a wealthy Tarnab animal merchant. She was suddenly given the gift of freedom when raiding Karazak slavers attacked her landed vessel. She escaped onto the surface of the current port of call: Tatooine. Resourceful, Swilla continued to do what she had always done in slavery: tending animals. She worked as a ranch hand taming and herding jerbas near the Motesta Oasis colony, where she resided in a small hut that had been deserted. Traveling from one farming community to another, she traded jerba goods such as milk, leather and meat. She could hardly make ends meet, but her freedom was enough to make her happy.

A giant sandwhirl and a pack of anoobas killed or scattered her entire herd. Swilla saw no other option than to travel to Mos Eisley. She tried to survive by begging and stealing, but one day, she recognized the brand of one of her former jerbas standing outside Chalmun's Cantina. One of her few friends, Kitik Keed'kak, informed her that the jerba belonged to a Pacithhip scout called Ketwol. Just as Kitik told her, Swilla saw an old man defeating two thugs in front of her -- with a lightsaber no less. She hurried outside and waited until the Pacithhip left the cantina.

She shadowed the Pacithhip to his starship, which was grounded on the sandy outskirts of the city and been turned into a home for the time being. Seizing an opportunity, she tried to steal back the jerba when Ketwol's back was turned, but he caught Swilla. Ketwol explained that some jerbas had come from the desert towards his ship. He had taken care of the animals, for some had been wounded or were exhausted. Swilla explained what misfortune had forced her to come to Mos Eisley. Ketwol understood the young woman's problem and offered her shelter.

Swilla remained with Ketwol for some time until she ventured into the desert with the surviving jerbas. Ketwol told her she could always come back when his ship was in Mos Eisley. She often did and enjoyed the company of her new friend.

This entry was developed by Hyperspace member "Sompeetalay".

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