사리사 젱

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사리사 젱
이름 사리사 젱
Sarrissa Jeng
종족 인간
성별 여성
소속 Jedi Order

사리사 젱(Sarrissa Jeng)은 『스타워즈: 에피소드 2 - 클론의 습격』의 등장인물이다.


This Jedi Knight was in command of the mediation team dispatched to Atzerri shortly after the Battle of Antar 4, in an effort to negotiate the release of the Gotal Emissary Nathanjo Nirrelz. Nirrelz had been kidnapped by Roshu Sune agents, who were demanding that Antar 4 secede from the Old Republic. Jeng and her fellow Jedi tried to negotiate Nirrelz's release, but the terrorists opened fire on them. Two Jedi were killed in the firefight before Jeng and the remaining Jedi neutralized the Roshu Sune fighters. They managed to free Nirrelz unharmed.

Shortly afterward, Jeng was one of the many Jedi dispatched to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and ascertain the size of the Separatist threat. She was among the many Jedi who died during the Battle of Geonosis.

관련 아이템

  • 라이트세이버

등장 작품

첫 등장
  • 영화 『스타워즈: 에피소드 2 - 클론의 습격』