빌마르 그라크

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Vilmarh Grahrk
스타워즈-빌마르 그라크-00.jpg
Species Devaronian
Gender Male
Weapon Blaster pistol
Vehicle Inferno


From the Expanded Universe

His broken Basic and devilish smile do little to inspire confidence, but Vilmarh Grahrk is nonetheless a successful and unscrupulous conman working the galaxy's fringe. Villie, as he is called by his acquaintances (the term "friends" doesn't really apply), worked as a grifter in Nar Shaddaa's underbelly for years. He probably hasn't earned an honest credit in his life.

Villie partnered with the amnesiatic Jedi Quinlan Vos to help uncover a glitteryll racket that implicated an influential Twi'lek senator. Villie's standard operating practice involved deception and betrayal, but he remained surprisingly loyal to Vos. Despite a sizeable bounty on the Jedi's head, Villie didn't betray him. Instead, he double-crossed the bounty's poster and ended the caper significantly richer.

Villie's chronic gambling usually ate away his ill-got earnings. No matter how much he made, he could soon be found trying out a new scam to fill his coffers. The Devaronian piloted a sleek vessel called the Inferno, with the help of NT, a droid hard-wired into the ship.