막시론 아골레르가

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막시론 아골레르가
Appeared in 2
Homeworld Naboo
종족 인간
성별 남성
Affiliation Brotherhood of Cognizance

대신관 막시론 아골레르가Pontifex Maxiron Agolerga스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Expanded Universe

It was a misty morning when Pontifex Maxiron Agolerga was summoned to accept a private holographic message from a rusty protocol droid and a blue astromech droid. In the message, a beautiful young woman asked the Pontiff to perform a secret marriage.

This was quiet a surprise for Agolerga since the last matrimony that had been legalized by his secluded Brotherhood of Cognizance had taken place more than 300 years ago. The Brotherhood was considered an arcane religious order, but during the colonization of Naboo, it had counted a lot more than the 20 venerable eremites that still lived in their mountain sanctuary today. The Brotherhood was a contemplative order, not obeying or worshipping any deities, but constantly reflecting upon the spiritual enlightenment of poetry, music, paintings and aesthetics. In short, they worshipped art in all its forms.

It had been Padmé Amidala who remembered the Brotherhood from the Legislative Youth Program where she had once encountered a list of ancient and forgotten laws that had never been dissolved. One such law stated that the Pontifex of the Brotherhood could still conclude an official marriage on Naboo, a habit that had been completely forgotten since the reign of King Narmlé when most people got wed by civil servants.

Since Agolerga had agreed to the request, the two droids came to pick him up in a gondola speeder and brought him to Varykino across the Lake Country. The Pontifex, dressed in his holy purple garments, met the beautiful young couple that just wanted to be known as Veré and Set, two eternal lovers from an old Futhork legend.

The matrimony was short and by the power invested by the Pontifex, Set and Veré were pronounced husband and wife. When Agolerga was about to leave, the groom waved his hand and spoke kindly to him that nobody could ever be told about this marriage. And thus the only remaining evidence was an official scroll containing their "names" to be classified in the archives of the Brotherhood.

This entry was developed by Hyperspace member "Sompeetalay".