리요 추치

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Riyo Chuchi
스타워즈-리요 추치-00.jpg
Appeared in CW
Homeworld Pantora
Species Pantoran
Gender Female
Size 1.65 meters tall
Affiliation Pantoran Assembly; allied to the Galactic Republic; Galactic Senate


The Senatorial delegate from the moon of Pantora, young Senator Riyo Chuchi was featured in "Trespass," a first season episode of The Clone Wars (2009) written by Steven Melching and directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell. Chuchi was voiced by Jennifer Hale, who had previously voiced Aayla Secura in the series, as well as Bastila Shan in the video game, Knights of the Old Republic (2003).

Young Chuchi represented Pantora in the Galactic Senate, and was far more idealistic than her hawkish local chairman, Chi Cho. The Pantorans had requested Republic protection from the Separatists, resulting in the establishment of Glid Station, an outpost on the protectorate world of Orto Plutonia. However, the Pantorans did not realize that Orto Plutonia already had a native population and was thus afforded sovereignty. When Glid Station dropped out of contact, the paranoid Cho assumed Separatists were staging an attack on Pantora. He tagged along with the Jedi mission to investigate Orto Plutonia, bringing with him the Senate representative so that he could exert influence over the Jedi. As Chuchi was young and inexperienced, she often deferred to Chairman Cho, though she disagreed with his conclusions and hardliner protectionist stance.

When the Pantorans discovered the Talz, it seemed that their claim to Orto Plutonia was nullified; the Talz would be recognized as sovereign, as per protocol. But Cho refused to accept that, not wanting to lose the protectorate. He at first tried claiming the Talz were non-intelligent. When that bid failed, he declared war on the primitives, framing it in such a way to keep it purely a local affair, beyond the scope of Chuchi or the Jedi's influence.

Riyo Chuchi was stuck for a solution, but Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi suggested that she contact the Pantoran Assembly for guidance. She spoke with the Assembly and explained Cho's behavior; the Assembly promptly found him out of order and gave Senator Chuchi the authority she needed to rein him in. By that time, the Pantorans and the Talz had already gone to war. Blood was spilled on both sides, but Chuchi bravely walked up to the Talz, chieftain, Thi-Sen, and offered peace. She withdraw all Pantoran interests from Orto Plutonia, leaving the Talz alone.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were impressed with her integrity and bravery. For one so young, she achieved peace. The Jedi hoped dearly that she could maintain it.