로론 코로브

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Roron Corobb
스타워즈-로론 코로브-00.jpg
Homeworld Ithor
Species Ithorian
Gender Male
Size 1.9 meters
Weapon Lightsaber
Affiliation Jedi


From the Expanded Universe

The peaceful Ithorians species have been a source of many great Jedi Knights of old, since their natural attunement to nature has given them a predilection for Force-sensitivity. Roron Corobb was one of the most well regarded Ithorian Jedi, having trained as Yarael Poof's Padawan before ascending to the rank of Master himself. Under the crafty Poof's instruction, Corobb developed potent mental skills.

His Ithorian physiology gifted him with multiple mouths and voiceboxes. His powerfully deep voice, when teamed with his mental abilities, gave him remarkable powers of persuasion and command. With extreme exertion, Corobb could couple his powerful multiple-throated shout with a burst of Force telekinesis for a unique ability to repulse enemies with a torrent of sonic energy.

Corobb had as his apprentice the headstrong and energetic young Padawan, Drake Lo'gaan. With the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the path to becoming a Jedi was accelerated for many. Such was the case with Drake. After placing well in the Jedi Temple Apprentice Tournament, the eleven-year-old boy was selected by Master Corobb to be his Padawan. Lo'gaan accompanied the Ithorian on even his most dangerous missions.

Drake would not be by Corobb's side on the elder Jedi's final mission. Along with Shaak Ti and Foul Moudama, Corobb was entrusted with the important task of protecting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the attack on Coruscant. Corobb and his fellow Jedi led Grievous in a breakneck chase throughout the governmental district of Coruscant as they spirited the Chancellor to his underground bunker.

Grievous anticipated their move. The evil cyborg general used his lightsaber skills and multiple arms to defeat Moudama, Corobb and Ti. Though Shaak Ti was left alive as a message to the Jedi, both Moudama and Corobb died in that encounter.