레이멧 아우템

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레이멧 아우템
Homeworld Coruscant
종족 인간
성별 남성

레이멧 아우템Reymet Autem스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


The brash son of Sagoro Autem who studied at the Leadership School on Andara and the Senate Guards' academy. Despite generations of Autems serving in the Senate Guard, Reymet wanted to follow his own path and was much more interested in daredevil swoop racing through Coruscant's garbage pits. It was more than just adrenaline rushes he was seeking -- he hoped to earn enough credits to get his girlfriend, Riao Siao, back to her home planet of Felacat. Reymet gave his shady uncle Venco some Senate Guard access codes in exchange for his help, but Venco plotted to use the codes to murder a Galactic Senator. When Venco was caught, Reymet was to be implicated as an accessory to murder, but his father, Sagoro, instead allowed him to escape, sacrificing his career in the Guard. Reymet emerged as a smuggler in the early days of the Empire, and later adopted the bounty hunter alias Evan Hessler.