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도르메(Dormé)는 『스타워즈: 에피소드 2 - 클론의 습격』의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

After Padmé Amidala stepped down from her position of Queen of Naboo, and transitioned to Senatorial representative, she kept some of the trappings of her former office. A cadre of loyal "handmaidens" tended to her, serving as bodyguards and trusted confidants during trying times. Dormé was the most devoted of her aides, and held a deep concern for the Senator's safety. Watching quietly at all times, Dormé noticed the growing affection between Padmé and Anakin Skywalker prior to their departure from the capital.

From the Expanded Universe

The term "handmaiden" is more of a holdover from Amidala's royal days. In her role as Senator, Padmé has been freed from the more elaborate of the courtly Naboo protocols. Dormé could more properly be described as a bodyguard, and she is highly trained in that regard.

Behind the Scenes

Though not visible in the final film, Dormé was scripted to have quietly laughed during Anakin's outburst of frustration while Padmé packed to depart Coruscant. Dormé was played by Rose Byrne.

등장 작품

첫 등장
  • 영화 『스타워즈: 에피소드 2 - 클론의 습격』