다르샤 애샌트

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다르샤 애샌트
Homeworld Coruscant
종족 인간
성별 여성
소속 Jedi order

다르샤 애샌트Darsha Assant스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


The bright, quick-witted, and blue-eyed Padawan of Anoon Bondara. Just previous to the blockade of Naboo, she was given her final mission before she was to ascend to the rank of Jedi Knight. She was asked to bring former Black Sun member Oolth to the Jedi Temple, but failed when Oolth fell to his death. While confirming Oolth's death, Assant and Bondara spotted Lorn Pavan and I-Five fleeing from Darth Maul. Assant joined the fugitives on the run, and while her relationship with Pavan helped change his negative attitude toward the Jedi, she died at Darth Maul's hands.

관련 아이템

  • Lightsaber