넴 비스

둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
Nem Bees
스타워즈-넴 비스-00.jpg
Homeworld Orto
Species Ortolan
Gender Male
Size 1.5 meters
Weapon Lightsaber
Affiliation Jedi order


From the Expanded Universe

Jedi Knight Nem Bees was dispatched to his homeworld of Orto in response to intelligence reports that a high ranking official in the neutral Ortolan government was plotting to overthrow it and join the Separatists. Given the instability of the Sluis sector and surrounding space, where lone Eriadu formed a bulwark against a hotbed of Separatist activity, the Republic was desperate to stem the tide of secession festering at the far end of the Rimma Trade Route.

Assuming the identity of the deceased trader Ydde at the urging of Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bees entered the Orto capital undercover and began his search for the traitor, living with Ydde's extended family to maintain his cover.

He was too late; only days after he arrived, Financial Minister Belo Tusus announced his allegiance to the Confederacy, seized control of the government, and locked down all spaceports. The forces of the Confederacy arrived that day. Unwilling to break his cover, Bees had no choice but to play the role of a frightened citizen as battle droids swarmed the capital.

He did not remain inactive long, though. As Tusus worked to settle his new government into place, it was struck by several unexplained acts of sabotage. Droid detachments inexplicably failed to deploy, shuttle guidance systems had been mysteriously severed. Tusus became incredibly paranoid, suspecting both his staff and the Neimoidian attachés in his council, never realizing that the true leak came from a Twi'lek servant in his employ.

Through her, Bees received all the information he needed to plan his attacks and access to a HoloNet transceiver with which he reestablished contact with the Republic. He arranged for a battalion of clone soldiers to arrive in-system at a designated time, and shortly before, infiltrated the palace. He disabled the shield generator just as the Republic strike force emerged from hyperspace.

Tusus, afraid for his life and not trusting the Confederacy to protect him, fled Orto. Bees rendezvoused with Clone Commander Deviss as the Republic forces landed, and together they began the task of removing the entrenched droid armies. Only a week into the campaign, however, Order 66 was issued, and Deviss cut down Bees as he led an assault on enemy lines.

This entry was developed by Hyperspace member "Lord Hydronium."