나이래트 아기라

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나이래트 아기라
Appeared in 2
종족 인간
성별 여성

나이래트 아기라Nyrat Agira스타워즈 시리즈의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

The lively social playing field of Coruscant nightspots can be a sentient-watcher's ideal locale, as beings from all walks of life converge for all manner of reasons. For some, such gambling clubs represent a plateau, as they climb up from their lower haunts at a shot of either winning wealth or love. Others lower themselves from the upper strata of society to slum it with the colorful locals, tossing aside socially mandated inhibitions and gathering a story or two. Still others are there to transact seamy business best left unexplored.

From the Expanded Universe

Nyrat Agira was typical of the Coruscant club scene. A lithe beauty decked in fashionably impractical wardrobe of soluble zoosha fabric, Agira wore her hair tall in curving solloop style. Like many of her age, she adorned herself in superficialities meant to catch the eye of a potential mate -- or a potential mark. Her iris colors were surgically altered to a less mundane hue, and her cult tatoo -- the mark of the Zealots of Psusan -- on her abdomen betrayed her spiritual devotion, or at least denotes yet another passing trend.

That night in the Outlander Club, when a team of Jedi apprehended bounty hunter Zam Wesell, Nyrat came face-to-face with another bounty hunter. Kalyn Farnmir was investigating a rumor that a business association had sold her out to the criminal cult-leader of the Zealots of Psusan. Recognizing the mark on Agira's belly, Farnmir questioned the young woman, acquiring enough information to confirm her worst fears.

Behind the Scenes

The extra that plays Nyrat Agira can be seen introducing the "Color Me Star Wars" installment of the on location video series.