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이름 그라그라
종족 Swokes Swokes
성별 여성

그라그라(Gragra)는 『스타워즈: 에피소드 1 - 보이지 않는 위험』의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

Gragra was a gorgmonger that worked the Mos Espa marketplace. Jar Jar Binks tried to snatch a tasty morsel from her stand without paying the necessary wupiupi. When the bullying Dug Sebulba entered the picture, knocking the hapless Gungan to the ground, Gragra considered the matter closed and didn't pursue it further.

From the Expanded Universe

Gragra claimed to keep her amphibian food stock in a large basement culture pool, but in truth, she grew them in a sewer zone underneath Mos Espa. If Tatooine actually had laws governing such affairs, then perhaps someone might have cared.

Behind the Scenes

Gragra's species, the Swokes Swokes, is named after Live Action Creature Effects Supervisor Nick Dudman's wife, Sue Oaks.

등장 작품

첫 등장
  • 영화 『스타워즈: 에피소드 1 - 보이지 않는 위험』