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이름 가스가노
종족 Xexto
성별 남성
소속 Boonta Eve Classic

가스가노(Gasgano)는 『스타워즈: 에피소드 1 - 보이지 않는 위험』의 등장인물이다.


From the Movies

A slight, spindly, six-armed alien, Gasgano was a thrill-seeker uniquely suited to the extreme sport of Podracing. Gasgano was very competitive, and sought to beat racers Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba during the Boonta Eve Podrace.

From the Expanded Universe

Gasgano raced for Gardulla the Hutt, and was the subject of intense betting between Gardulla and Jabba. The 24-fingered Xexto from Troiken piloted a custom Ord Pedrovia Podracer with nine-meter long bulbous engines trimmed in red and green. Gasgano came in second, after Anakin Skywalker, in the Boonta Eve Classic.

Behind the Scenes

Gasgano has more than a passing resemblance to the Quermian Jedi Master Yarael Poof, suggesting that the two species are related. In The Phantom Menace film, Gasgano was a computer-generated character.

관련 아이템

  • Custom Ord Pedrovia Podracer

등장 작품

첫 등장
  • 영화 『스타워즈: 에피소드 1 - 보이지 않는 위험』