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Garindan (Long Snoot)
Appeared in 4
Homeworld Kubindi
Species Kubaz
Gender Male
Weapon Hold-out blaster
Affiliation Highest bidder


From the Movies

This long-snooted informant shadowed Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they made their way from the Mos Eisley Cantina to Docking Bay 94. The dark cloaked snitch used his comlink to call the Imperial authorities, and directed a squad of desert stormtroopers to the fugitives.

From the Expanded Universe

Garindan is a Kubaz spy who works for the highest bidder -- which included the Empire and Jabba the Hutt. Garindan is nicknamed "Long Snoot," for his long, green-black elephantine trunk. Garindan was constantly searching for information about Jabba the Hutt. One of his sources was Labria, whom he personally despised. Garindan usually carries little more than a hand-held comlink and a hold-out blaster. A supposed relative of Garindan, Lorindan, worked as a rancor keeper for Jabba the Hutt.

Behind the Scenes

Sound designer Ben Burtt heavily modulated standard speech to come up with Garindan's whirring alien tongue. He took an old track of a well known western actor reading dialogue and ran it through a synthesizer.